Research: Conscious VS Unconscious

Thursday 24 September 2015

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks insides, awakes." Sigmund Freud. 
State of being awake:
Conscious: 10%
Subconscious: 50-60%
Unconscious: 30-40% 
Conscious (10%):
Being conscious is having an awareness and being able to call information from your mind (recall). These 2 functions are the capabilities of the direct mind: ability to direct focus and ability to imagine what's not real. The scanner perceives an event, triggers the need to react and depending on importance, store it in unconscious or subconscious mind. This is how we think and talk rationally. 
Subconscious (50-60%):
This is the storage point for any recent memories needed for quick recall (i.e tel number). This includes current information you use everyday (such as recurring thoughts, behaviour patterns, habits and feelings) 
Unconscious (30-40%):
This is where all our memories and past experiences reside. The idea of "Repressed" was introduced by Sigmund Freud. Repressed memories or thoughts are consciously forgotten through trauma, or no longer important. They are also deep seated emotions from memories that ultimately will shape our beliefs, values, habits and behaviours. We liken this place to the "cellar" or "underground library" in our mind. The unconscious continues to influence our behaviors even though we are not unaware of it. 
Because the subconscious and unconscious mind takes up up to almost 80% of the mind, one way for one to be Self Actualized is to tap onto these parts of the mind to find out in which areas of one's life must he work on personal growth to attain such. The most popular state of (healthy) unconsciousness (i.e not a coma) would be the dream state.

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