The "Royal Road to the Unconscious" (Carl Jung)
Dreams are a person's "wish fulfilment".
It can be broken down into 2 categories:
1. Manifest content
(what is remembered after waking up)
(often based on events of the day)
2. Latent content
(symbolic meaning of dream)
One's underlying wish -------------------------> Manifest content
dream work
Dream work:
transmission of forbidden wish into non-threatening form, reducing anxiety, allowing us to continue sleeping. This process includes 3 stages:
1. Condensation:
Joining 2 or more images into 1
2. Displacement
Transform the person/object we care about
3. Secondary elaboration:
Stringing together wish fulfilling images in logical order of events. (This is why manifest content of dreams can be in the form of believable events.)
Sigmund Frued describes that there are 3 main types of dreams:
1. Direct prophecies: Chrematismos, Oraculum
2. Foretelling of the future: Orama, Visio
3. Symbolic dream: interpretation of Dreams
Since self discovery (self actualization) is self-fulfilment, Dreams are one way of tapping onto one's unconscious self to figure out his/her underlying wishes. Through a dream, if one is able to interpret and remember his wishful fulfilment, then he will be able to use it to gain self actualization in reality.
Unfortunately, remembering and eventually interpreting dreams is not easily done. as Carl Jung mentions that not all General symbols in dreams are Universal Symbols (i.e Online dream dictionaries are false and inaccurate conspiracies). Dreams are more like cryptograms that have to be deciphered.
Side note: I will not focus my project on "dream interpretation dictionaries" because, as mentioned by Carl Jung, dreams include more general symbolism (general symbols are more personal than universal symbols, i.e water means you have to pee), therefore, a person cannot interpret what the manifest content of a dream symbolizes unless he knows the person's circumstances in the dream itself.
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