Research: "Self Discovery"

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Self Discovery:

Self as an identity:
- A person's essential being that distinguishes from others: as an objective of introspection/reflexive action.

Discover: find unexpectedly or during a search
- Locate, come across, stumble on, chance on, light on, track down
- Discover treasure, secrets, knowledge

Self Discovery: to know one's self
- Being aware of your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes
- Observing and being aware of your moods, reactions and responses
- Becoming aware of how these moods affect yourself/state of mind.
- Knowing how you interact with others
- Knowing how your environment affects you

Importance of knowing yourself:
- Better set goals for yourself
- Better decision making
- Increase productivity
- Not overvaluing ourselves: this self-enhancement idea is beneficial for advancing in life. If we believe we can be the president of a large company without the credentials, our enthusiasm may propel us forward to send resumes and follow up interviews, but pull us back a notch into reality. We may perhaps accept getting a job as an intern, as enthusiasm can only propel us so far.
- Not undervaluing ourselves: When undervaluing yourself, you are spending a lot of time living within the struggle of the daily grind. When opportunities arise you tend to back away if you see something threatening to change your lifestyle and way of life, especially for the better.

Things that aid in self discovery:
- Personality tests (MTBI - Myers-Brigs Type Personality Test & The Enneagram)
- Reflective journals

Z. Hereford, writer of e-book, 9 Essential Life Skills

RHETI Enneagram Type Indicator

Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type.
Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type.
Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type.
Type 4: The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type.
Type 5: The Thinker. The perceptive, cerebral type.
Type 6: The Skeptic. The committed, security-oriented type.
Type 7: The Generalist. The enthusiastic, productive type.
Type 8: The Leader. The powerful, aggressive type.
Type 9: The Peacemaker. The easygoing, accommodating type.

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